Helping businesses master local marketing with our expert team.


Google AdWords

The cornerstone of most local advertising initiatives, this is where our team thrives. AdWords had 3500+ changes in 2017 and we were there for all of them. Let our team overhaul your AdWords account for increased performance.

Social Media Marketing

Staying on top of the Social Media flavor of the moment can be challenging. Social Media can be a powerful tool for your organization..but which one. Talk to our Social Media team to dig deep into what will work for you.

SEO & Web Development

A website is a must for any business today, has been for years, but is your site up to date? Is it mobile friendly? Does it load like lightning? Is your site part of your marketing machine, is it actively working for you? The 7 Analytics fields of our end-to-end service offerings cover: consulting, implementation, support, and maintenance of all website solutions. Additionally, we offer our clients a variety of trainings in the use of their new site related to trackable ROI.

Private Placements

Already doing all of these things? Well then, it’s time to move into advanced ad placements. Our team has access to special partnerships and placements that are not available to the public. Set up a consultation to see where we can best deliver your message.

After spending many years growing ad agencies for Google, several of our team decided to hit the streets and use our vast industry knowledge to help businesses directly.

We develop time and cost-effective marketing solutions that help businesses address immediate need as well as long term business goals. Our teams across the U.S. specialize in data-driven solutions. Real, trackable ROI through: Google AdWords, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Web Design as well as exclusive Media Partnerships and placement opportunities only available to King Media Labs.

Don’t let the buzzwords and hype make our services sound over priced, our goal is to make your advertising investment pay multiples of itself...every month.